
The pages are still blank, but there is a miraculous feeling of the words being there, written in invisible ink and clamoring to become visible - Vladimir Nabokov

There is no agony like bearing an untold story inside you - Zora Neale Hurston

20 July 2010

Just peeking out of my burrow

I only have 863 more blog posts to read! That's what I get for taking two weeks holiday from the blogosphere--two weeks that turned into four or six. I've lost count.
While I've missed you all and the wonderful anecdotes, inspiring stories of writing success, and commiseration among us poor unpublished sods, it has been hugely revitalizing to get away from it all. I feel like I've been living in a cabin in the Rocky Mountains with Old Ben (my cat has a bear-sized temper sometimes), snuggled beneath a blanket with my adorable husband, leaving the cruel world outside and forgotten (except for those zillion calls from telemarketers trying to convince me to change my power company. They even trekked into the deep woods and knocked on my door. The nerve!). It's difficult to emerge from such safe hibernation, but I'm in danger of becoming a hermit, so here I am.

Timid wave.

I finished a massive re-write of 80,000 words, and now I'm 15,000 words into the second half...or the second book. I really haven't figured out where to divide my epic fantasy yet. I want to get it all down and futz with that sort of thing later. For now, I'm all about characters, story, and craft. Everything I write is fantastic or horrible, depending on which day you ask. I have glimpsed brilliance, but it's not all there yet. I'm working on it. No time to talk. I must write! Going back to my cave now...


  1. Hi, nice to read you again :o).. what wonderful progress youve made on your novel. wow!! I like living in caves too XX

  2. Good to see you, even if it's just a quick hello. Glad to know all is well, except for the telemarketers (definitely food for bad characters there). Sounds like you're doing great with your writing. Continued good luck there. Looking forward to hearing from you again. Take care.

    Thoughts in Progress

  3. Congrats on your massive rewrite! You're totally forgiven for you absence since it involved writing!

  4. Thanks for the forgiving attitude you guys! I will pop on over to your blogs to say "hi" before I vanish again. It *is* great to get some writing done, but I miss you. See ya later.

  5. Well, if you really spent all those weeks and weeks beneath a blanket with your adorable husband doing all kinds of naughty stuff, then all is forgiven :))))

  6. Hee Hee. Not the *whole* time, Dez.

  7. *waves back*

    Oh man, I am still slogging through revisions too. 80,000 worth of rewrites is a major overhaul...no wonder you've disappeared! (I need to lock myself in a cave.)

    Enjoy your writing cave. :)

  8. Welcome back! The work you've accomplished is awesome. Don't stay away so long next time. :)

  9. Hey Lola and DL!
    A cave is great for getting those rewrites done, but I see afterimages from my computer screen everywhere now. Maybe going outside and getting some sunshine will fix that. Plus, the Vitamin D can't hurt :)

  10. Hey,you...where'd you go? How are things down under? Miss you on the blogosphere!


  11. Hey there! Been missing you guys too but still taking a writing/living break. Big announcement coming soon and I'll do a post in a few weeks revealing all... How's that for suspense? So sweet of to check on me Michele!

  12. Can't wait to read your announcement :o))) Just checking in to see how you are.
